Paper Assignment 3 Due date: 3/25 Paper 3: Bosboom_2016_1701.00146 - Read Sections 1, 2, 4, 7 - For Presenting Group: - Must give a 15-20 minute powerpoint presentation that covers: - the purpose of the paper - relevant background of the area - necessary definitions - detailed explanation of the one reduction / result being shown - list other results in the paper - author's future work - Turn in slides as a pdf - A 2+ page paper summarizing the paper (essentially the abstract) and the high-level ideas from the reduction. - After the discussion the groups will all turn in their papers to the presenting group, and they will compile and curate to a 2 page summary of open questions and interesting ideas. For Everyone Else: - The sections to read for the paper are above, but in general, it is expected that you have read the relevant parts of the paper, which include: - abstract - introduction - pasts work if in another section - definitions/preliminaries - sections/proofs to be presented - conclusion - Each group will turn in a single page paper with the following: - Any questions they had related to understanding the model, definitions or reductions. These should be things that they could ask the group presenting. - A list of what unique or interesting techniques the group thought the paper used. This can include general thoughts for discussion. - Any questions about the relevant related work or author's stated future work and other results. - A list of 5 possible open problems related to the work for future exploration. - During the presentation and following discussion, each group should also write any additional thoughts or questions on the back side of the paper.